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Professional spray can with clear coat 400ml

7.27 €

Availability: In Stock


Transparent, quick-drying high-gloss varnish for point and sub-surface repair.


Shake can with a varnish for 3min. After applying the base enamel after 15min at 20oC, varnish is applied. Apply evenly to the paint: the distance from the surface is 25-30 cm, 2-3 layers with the interval of interlayer drying 15min. Complete drying at 20oC - 2h-8h, at 60oC - 20min-30min. After drying, it is easily polished. Natural and forced drying is allowed.


Typically, the varnish reveals the entire part. In doing so, it must be remembered that the old paintwork surface should be evenly milled with abrasive paper P600 - on a dry and P1200 - on wet (with water). After that the surface must be degreased. After this, you can start painting and varnishing the part.


Paint in cans to buy

Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста каким образом заправлен двухкомпонентный лак в балон? То есть он с отвердителем и незасыхает? Или есть отдельная капсула с отвердителем в баллоне?

Vladimir (05.10.2021 17:55)

Good day, two-component lacquer with a hardener that activates only upon contact with air.

Лак получил.Ещё не применял.Надеюсь будет нормально .Выглядит хорошо.Доставка быстрая.Спасибо..

Nikolai (24.07.2019 22:18)

This is a transparent fast-drying lacquer, applied in 2-3 coats with each coat drying in 10-15 minutes. The initial coats are applied with light sprays, while the third coat is applied more generously. The 'dry' coats will effectively hold the glossy 'wet' coat, preventing runs. Please note that using the lacquer in hot weather is not advisable, as the lacquered surface may result in less glossiness (optimal temperature is 20 degrees).

Advantages: Thanks to the seller for the prompt shipping! I got this nail polish. The quality is decent, it dries quickly, and the nozzle is adjustable.


Еще раз спасибо магазину за скорость отправки и качество обслуживания!)

Julia (30.09.2017 20:56)

Thank you for your feedback! The professional car lacquer spray can indeed comes with an intensity regulator, making it convenient for spraying on any surface.

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